Wednesday, 2 May 2007

I just don't know

Recently, I've had so many kind emails of concern. Folks wondering where I've disappeared to. Not only have I not updated but I haven't been commenting in any journals, that'd explain the 98 alerts in my inbox. Who thinks i'll actually get around to them? I think i'll just have to do it by the journals on my sidebar.

Nothings happened to me, least nothing bad. I've just taken a step back in journal land. Honestly, things aren't what they were for me and I find that there aren't many true and honest people in jland. For me it was never a popularity contest, but a place where I was able to share my thoughts and feelings. And get advice from some wonderful women and mothers. But for some people, they thought it ok to hurt others in order to make themselves popular. And despite never getting involved in jland disputes, people that I thought cared about me turned their backs on me. Well, i'm only 21. There's a life lesson to be had somewhere in here.

But I thought i'd update and share my good news. I really don't feel like posting it here since i'm sure not everyone who reads my journal wishes me well. But there are so many jlanders who I don't email or don't have valid AOL addresses and I wouldn't want to miss them.

April 21st Adam and I got engaged!

Well, I know, it was a long time coming. We did the whole committed relationship thing and then the promise ring thing, but now we're officially engaged to be married. And I couldn't be happier.

His proposal was very romantic and I wasn't quite expecting it. We were out at the beach, we had to walk a good 25 mins to get to this pier so we could fish. And whilst he spent most of the time complaining about his bait getting robbed, I spent my time resting having just been made to walk for so long. And preparing myself for the fact that i'd have to walk all that way back to the car.

Anyway, after a while we decided to take a walk and stop to let someone take a picture of us. Well, I thought Adam was showing the woman how to use the camera and putting it on the right setting for her. Really he was telling her he was about to propose and he wanted it captured on camera.

I was surprised. Happy. Shocked. Overwhelmed. But I think so was the woman taking the picture sinceshe was doing all the screaming and "oh my god" -ing for me! lol!

I said yes, of course and we're very much looking forward to getting married. Oh yeah and living in the same country! lol!

Pics to follow!

Shermeen xx

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