Thursday 29 November 2007

Together Forever


My latest project is getting Adam here for good, I'm not sure if its fair to say its our lastest project cause we seem to have been working towards this goal forever. We just haven't gotten any closer. We have decided though to go with a fiance visa.

I'm not sure if anyone's familiar with what a fiancé visa to the UK involves so i'll give you the 411 (i recently discovered 411 means info so whenever I can I like to use it).
The minimum age to apply is 18...personally, I don't think i'd be ready to get married before 18...I'm not even sure that i'm ready to get married at 22...more on that one later. The sponsor (me) has to be present and settled in the UK. We have to show that we have met...don't think we'll have a problem there...We have to have adequate maintenance and accommodation without recourse to public funds. After the marriage there has to be adequate accommodation without recourse to public funds in accommodation which we own or occupy exclusively...just fine by us, not many couples would want to start married life living with family.
There is a long list of documents we have to submit with his application, supporting evidence of our relationship and intent to marry and ability to live without government help. Once the visa has been issued we have 6 months within which we need to get married. The visa application costs $1050...and here's what I think is the BESTEST YUMMIEST part...if his application isn't accepted, we DONT get back a penny of the money.
Adam wants to apply in the next two weeks so that he'll have his visa for early january, so i've a lot of running around to do. Oh and since we'd like to have a Church ceremony....guess who's going to Church Sunday?
The thought of being married to Adam thrills me to no end, i'm super excited...its the thought of the wedding that brings fear. Everyone else is far more excited than me and i'm starting to think something's wrong with me. In theory I love thinking about dresses and flowers...but today the thought of trying on a dress filled me with fear. I felt like a little girl trying on her mommas heels. Just kept thinking I was too young for wedding dresses. Again, i'm starting to think something's wrong with me.
I did see a few wedding dresses today that I'd been admiring online last week. Augusta Jones. Somehow I dont think i'll be getting one since they're far more than i want to spend, but maybe for our second wedding in 2010.
I'm most certainly a fan of the covered shoulders look and i'm loving lace and beading. Adam & I won't be able to afford to get married the way we'd like, the way we deserve and so we plan to have a committment ceremony in 2010 when we're ready to move from England to America for good.
There seems to be so very much going on at the moment. More than I could even begin to go into here. I also think that its the right time to be going back to Church because if ever there was a time in my life I was looking for guidance and support and reassurance, it'd be now.
I was hopeful for this year to be a good year but it turns out this wasn't to be my year. I'm hopeful for next year. I know that eventually it has to be my turn and so i'm staying optimistic. Hope yall are well. Thanks for stopping by & be sure to leave a link.

Thursday 22 November 2007

The Beaches of Cheyenne


Does anyone else not wanna get up this morning? Least most of you have a day off cause of Thanksgiving, the rest of us don't see a holiday until Christmas! I'm certainly proposing that the UK take up thanksgiving as a national holiday.

I'm feeling much better today. I had my talk with Adam and I got across everything I wanted and I think he actually listened and got what I had to say. Small victory for me!

I think sometimes my feeling of insecurity can overpower my rationality, especially when i'm feeling hormonal. But I know that my feelings of insecurity were grounded in real facts and so we talked. And I feel better this morning. I mean, Adam is a good guy. If he wasn't we wouldn't have made it this far.

Ok, gotta get ready for work.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Friends In Low Places

My title doesn't have any relationship to my entry...just I like that song. I'm in a Garth Brooks kinda mood.


Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!

I know i'm a wee bit early but well, if I don't do it now i'll forget!


Things with me are good I guess. I finally started my xmas shopping, feels good. Hopefully it won't make me too poor. Adam and I have a lot going on at the moment, we're trying again to get in a position where we can get him a visa for England. I'm not getting too excited just yet cause I wanna wait until its more concrete. We'll see.

Things between us are...good? I think. I don't know. A lot has happened in what seems like a short space of time to me. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I guess i'm feeling like I need a little more attention, affection...some other A word...from him. Some kinda recent events between us have left me feeling a little more insecure than you're average 22 yr old in a long distance relationship would feel. But other recent events have left me in a situation where I don't want to put him under pressure, stress him out or upset him. So i'm sitting in a kinda limbo.

Its a kinda wait and see what happens situation...all aside from the fact that once he's here...we'll be getting married. In which case, the time for questions and knowing how we feel would be now. I mean, I don't doubt that I love him and wanna be with him or anything. But sometimes, geez I feel like I need to be a mind reader to have any idea of what's going on with him. I mean, knowing him and loving him will only get me so far into what's he's thinking or feeling. I can tell when somethings wrong, but i'll be damned if he's willing to let me in on it.

Its not so nice on the outside of someone else's thoughts or feelings. Its kinda cold. Lonely. And I get enough lonely being on the otherside of the Atlantic.


Oh well, we'll see how it goes. Enough all ready. I've got some honky tonk dancing to do to Garth Brooks.

Have a nice Turkey Day Folks xx

Thursday 1 November 2007

Pinch Punch

Pinch Punch First of the Month

Should I tell you what I find really funny...AOL make all these changes to our journals...we can add pics and videos but they cant give us more than 9 sad fonts to choose from. Yeah, I know copy and paste but today I just can't be bothered.

Last night was Halloween...happy halloween for yesterday...we didn't really do much for it. Just so you know, Americans have Halloween dialed in. On this side of the pond we just don't and can't do it the same. I think most people were more concerned with the hour long special of Coronation Street than anything else. Mind you, my friends house and car did get egged so clearly some young wannabe thugs celebrate halloween.

I'm not having such a good day today, its my first day off in over two weeks and I'm not making very much of it. I don't know, Adam and I had a wee fall out last night so I think i'm still gonna be down about that until we put it behind us properly.

But i'm not one to sit and mope, i'm gonna go visit master nathan and miss chanae today. Hopefully they'll cheer me up. Right now i'm just enjoying not having to get out of my pjs...i'm gonna see if I can make it until the afternoon!

Have a good day all!

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