Saturday, 24 April 2010

Today was a rather uneventful day. Work and home. I feel like I need to take up another activity that will bring me some kind of pleasure, a hobby of some kind. But there is not much that I am bothered or can afford to do, usually I like to read, but that doesn't get me out of the house. I need a break from my routine of work, home, work, home, work, home. Well, you get it. And its dull. Maybe I should arrange a girly dinner each month, have some fun with my girl friends. Who knows. I would like to be able to spend more time with my husband. Right now, Adam and I are on different schedules. Usually, when I'm at work he's at home and when I'm at home he's at work. And as he works the late shift and will soon be working nights, when I'm ready for bed he's wide awake and when I'm wide awake he's asleep. I really hope this doesn't continue on for too long, else we'll have no clue what's going on in each others lives. Mind you, Adam has always been a night owl where as I like to be tucked under the covers by 10pm. He'd rather go out and really, I'd rather stay in. His body temperature is always so cold and mine is so hot. Just little differences.

I am about to get my license changed over to my married name, only cost £20 so I don't mind. I am still putting off doing my passport because it costs a small fortune that we don't have right now. Wednesday is pay day and that means time to pay all the bills, maybe there might be a little something left over so I can treat myself to a new outfit. My wardrobe is so outdated. Mind you, nothing fits me since I've put on so much weight. Need to shift the pounds before the summer arrives properly. Always a weight issue.

My three goals for 2010;
  • Go back to University *check*
  • Loose Weight ****erm...
  • Pass my driving test ****erm ...

So far two out of three, but I have set myself the goal of August to have achieved the last two. Really, I dont think I'm asking for much. It'll just take a little will power! xx

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