Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Just Thinking

And No, it doesn't hurt!

I'm still trying to get all the things I need to send to Adam together. I just want him here already, I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know that by now. In so many ways Adam defines who I am, but I'm also so much more. Is it strange to think that way? I know I was someone before him and if occurs, I know I'll be someone after him. But...he's just so much of me. In a way I can't even begin to explain. So I wont try!

My mum was going through some of her things the other night. And she is indeed a hoarder. She keeps so much JUNK! Anyway, she came across these old photos from the 70s. My dad actually had hair. An Afro to be exact. Posing away. And then there were some pictures of my mum and dad together. When they were younger than Adam and I. They seemed so in love. And I wondered, were they ever like Adam and I. Did they too think that they'd be together forever. That they'd overcome every and anything? I just wonder, I've never been divorced and I'd never like to be. But I wonder who people get from the point of being so in love with someone to not wanting to be with them anymore. I truly hope that Adam and I don't end up disliking each other. Unable to have civil conversations. I hope that we'll both be willing to keep trying.

Anyway, my Dad is helping me with some of the visa things for Adam. So hopefully I'll have that ready to send off to Adam next week. Its so exciting!

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