Tuesday 16 October 2007

Web Cams and Babies

Is it silly of me to FINALLY buy a web cam just so I can attempt a video entry? Can you believe it, Adam and I went three years of long distance love (and we're still not together yet, don't want to confuse anybody by using 'went') without ever using web chat or internet calling such as skype. Well, I just really wanna give this whole video entry thing a go, think i'll get quite a kick out of it. But first I have to wait for my wireless modem to arrive, how I miss broadband!

I met with Shadi and Charlotte and master Reece today. I call him Reeces Pieces cause he's cute enough to eat. We were walking around looking at clothes this afternoon, everything looked so cute that it made me want to have a baby. I saw these cute little booties, one foot said...50% mommy...and the other said...50% daddy...and then underneath said...100% ME! I did actually think of buying it and putting it away for later. I do have a baby bib that says...Made In America With British Parts...I brought that more than a year ago. I know, strange. And trust me, i'm not one of those girlies who'll get pregnant because they want a baby to love them or because they look cute. I know how much hard work having a baby is and i'm not ready for that yet, i'm still young and I wanna enjoy it just being Adam and I for a while. Of course, if it happens it happens but we're being real careful to see that it doesn't.

Shadi really makes me laugh, she has no babies, but she picked out this complete outfit for a baby girl. She didn't buy it, cause then guys will think she's crazy! lol! but she has names picked out...Sofia and Coco...I said to her that if I beat her to it i'll steal her names! lol! I won't but she's so easy to wind up!

I think Adams doing ok in Wisconsin, its starting to get cold so he's buying insulated work clothes and has to have some work done on his car to help it survive the winter. He's been through so much so young, but i'm so very proud of my future hubby. I honestly, don't know a better man than him and I'm so lucky that he's mine.        Who wants to come to a party in London? when Adam comes over i'll be so happy, we'll finally get to celebrate our engagment and of course all of jland is invited. Don't worry if you can't make the party...they'll be a wedding in 3yrs time. Gives you plenty of time to save up for a plane ticket and wedding gift! lol!

Well, i'm gonna go browse some journals. I hope everyone out there is doing well. So many recently have lost those they love, its such a horrible experience loosing someone you love. Esp if you didn't get the chance to tell or show them just how much they meant to you. But I know they're in the arms of God and they know love like none of us on earth have ever experienced. I pray that God helps you with your grief.

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Anonymous said...

So nice to hear from you, Shermeen!!

And I don't think you're silly at all. Rob and I bought a really cute teddy bear that we saw and had to have for our baby-to-be BEFORE we were married, and BEFORE we were pregnant!! I wonder what would have happened to Mr. Bear if we had broken up?! Eh, who cares, we've been together almost 25 years now...and my memory is so bad, I don't even know which of our girls has Mr. Bear in her room now. LOL

Adam will have to adjust his Florida body to the Wisconsin winter. My friend Jamie moved from St. Petersburg, FL to Wisconsin last year. He made it through the winter okay, and is now going into his second one. Adam will be fine - he'll probably LOVE the snow, anyway, being a Florida boy and all. :)

Take care!!
:) Carol

Anonymous said...

I am surprised you never used Skype before..  Cute booties..you should have bought them.. :)  Take care now---  Julie

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherms!
is the wedding in London? aww man..I wish I could go lol!
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Shermeen,
How long since you've last seen Adam?  I know it has dragged on for you, poor baby.  I bought my webcam (a simple little thing) at Big Lots for $18, and I use it through Windows Live Messenger.  That is the easiest way for me.  I like it.  It's fun because my sister lives in Chicago and I live in Arizona, so we can sit and have a beer together whenever we have the spare time...LOL!

Anonymous said...

oh...his body is in for a shock.....big climate differance!!!!

Anonymous said...

laughed at you nicking Shadis baby names! wind up merchant! a j-land wedding would be cool! Linda xx

Anonymous said...

I will be so happy when the day comes you two are together forever!  Have a great day!  TerryAnn

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