I do try, but sometimes no matter which way I bend, I get it wrong. Sometimes Adam can be so mean and hurtful, not only in what he does but just in the way he acts or looks at me. Well, I'm not in the mood to argue. He can stay mad all by himself. Today was a horrid day from hell. Working in retail at Christmas is awful, its non-stop and most people are so freakin rude and miserable! And I hate, hate with a purple passion that I can't tell these difficult rude customers where to shove that stick in their hiney!
So after a long day of standing at work, its finally home time, only to discover that due to the snow the traffic and buses are backed up. At the station most of the routes were cancelled and all others delayed. Scores of people, including little old me, waiting in the cold ice for a bus that might not come and if it does, might not get on. Ugh! Long story short, it took me 2 hours to get home when normally it takes me 20mins. I could walk home in 1 hour if I had the right shoes or weather. But cause everything was messed up, my journey time multiplied. And as if that wasn't bad enough my cheap Ugg wannabes let water in and my feet were soaked. Wet feet on icy concrete, not a good feeling. I know I sound like a moany baby, but I haven't even told you the best part yet...I get to wake up tomorrow at 7am and do it all over again! YAY! xx
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