Thank you everyone for the response to my last post, I learnt the hard way that it's important to be mindful of what you put into your body. Balance is key and you have to listen to your body and recognize when something is wrong.
I was amused by the response I had in regards to husbands/fiances/boyfriends reading your blogs. Adam used to read my old blog, when we were first dating he was very interested to know what I was thinking (about him) and generally what my life in London was like. Nowadays, he's not overly interested. He knows I have a blog but he doesn't have a very large online presence, he'd much rather not have an online presence full stop. So he doesn't use facebook very often, he doesn't email anyone. The only thing he does online is visit you tube to learn new songs on his banjo. I'm not sure if I'd like him to read my blog now, not that I moan about him or anything but I like having a little private space of my own. He has his own hobbies, fishing, shooting, banjo playing. And I have my hobbies, reading, blogging, connecting with folks online. I think if I move, I might try and get the husband to write a blog entry. I'm sure he'll be reluctant but I'm also certain I could trade him something. Yes, we trade each other things. If he wants me to do something I don't want to do, we'll make a trade. We also like to bet each other things; who someone in a movie is, what veal is (I got that one way wrong, don't ask me how I thought veal was a baby seal). The bets are fun because we're both super competitive, when we played tennis last year he almost done himself an injury! I've learned though that it's much better to have Adam on my team than against me, together we're unstoppable *insert evil laugh*
Do you think your significant other would write any entry for your blog?
Also, I've been toying with the idea of doing a video entry. And then earlier this month Larissa over at Miss Larissa Bree, did a video entry answering questions that her readers asked. So you wonderful people of blogger, do you have any questions for me? I like to think that I'm a pretty open book but if you've got a burning question for me or just wanna hear me talking to the camera, leave a comment and let me know! I'll try to answer them next Friday 30th September. BTW, if you're expecting an accent, don't. Apparently I don't have one anymore.
Oh guys, I just wanna take the time to wish my new friend Eve good luck. She has her fiancee visa interview tomorrow at the US Embassy in central London. If all goes well she'll be reunited with her lovely yank later next month.
Both of the ladies I mentioned above have wonderful blogs that I have recently found. I recommend checking them out if you haven't already.
I was just going to comment on the generally lovely post, and then I saw you'd given me a mention and I felt so touched! Thank you! I am so nervous; been up chatting to my brother and sister-in-law, but they've just gone to bed, so guess I will have to try to sleep now...
Honestly a vlog (v-log) would be brilliant; been wondering about the same thing myself but don't think I have enough readers. Would love to hear you, though! Your story in your voice; how you feel about Adam; anything about the emigration process - would be a pleasure to hear!
Thanks again for the good wishes. Will be online ASAP if it's good news!
(I never know if it's "vlog" or "v-log" - the first gets a wiggly red line from Chrome! Any ideas?!
I've started listening to a few people's vlogs and I love them. There was one blog I was reading and I thought the girl was a little horrid and I was about to stop reading her blog. I listened to her vlog and did a 360 on my perception of her I found the new feeling enlightening and made me think twice on judging.
My bf doesn't read my blog. He's not into social media at all. I doubt he ever even looks on my fb page!
I love vlogs! I did a couple a while ago, but none recently. Here's a question- What are your guilty pleasures?
I literally laughed out loud about the veal comment. A baby seal! hehe
Here are my questions:
What was your favorite subject in school?
What's your favorite holiday?
Favorite Movie?
I forgot to include my you think about what you might have to deal with in terms of racism when you get to TN.
Personally I'm hoping you're not thinking about it, and that you won't experience it, and that you're only having positive thoughts....but I've thought about it often when I see the beautiful pics of you and Adam so I thought I'd just get the guts and come out and ask.
I like vlogs. They're a nice change of pace :) Cute blog!
xo, Samantha
His hobbies are fishing, shooting, and banjo playing? Sounds like a true southern boy, no wonder he didn't like the UK!
Question: Do you feel pressure to look extra attractive when reunited with your other half after a long separation? Or do you feel the need to preen up a bit before a skype video session? I know I do! But then after we've been together for a few days, I go back to not caring! haha
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